If you've ever sent me a text either on Snapchat, Discord or outright texting. You've noticed that sometimes I go from hours without responding or just simply leave you on read. Here's my reasoning and it's a bit of a rude answer if I have to be honest. You aren't worth my time at that moment. Simple as that. If the conversation is becoming dry and it's a back and forth cycle of "wyd?" then I'm going to just end up leaving you on read. Simple as that, I usually feel like the majority of conversations I have with people aren't leading up to anything that's another reason why sometimes I won't text people first. I just feel like I could be doing something better with my time besides sending asking someone what they're doing 24/7. So some days, if you sent me a message the previous day on Snapchat and I'm still posting on my story without opening your message just know it's because I'm busy or working on something that'll produce a bigger product and hopefully in the long term lead to revenue. It's much easier to open snap and quickly take a picture and post it rather than to open snap and continue a long conversation with someone.
Productivity is one of my favorite words. Every single day I try to be as productive as I possibly can by slamming my to-do list with tasks I know I can accomplish in a day. I end up usually accomplishing everything, most of the stuff I work on doesn’t require internet, but once I’m done with everything I usually just browse the web, however, I still like to remain productive even when I’m just browsing the web, and that’s why I highly, HIGHLY!!! Recommend Opera. Opera is sort of like Google Chrome except uhm… WAY BETTER (in my opinion) It has a super clean layout. A very clean way of adding bookmarks (you can even add thumbnails) and my favorite part, it has a little button on every single video you watch so you can minimize the video and watch it while doing anything. This is my favorite thing to use when I want to watch tv shows while I’m animating on my laptop or working on some cover art for clients or just for my portfolio in general. It really makes the project...
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