Reading is one of those things that I never really liked unless it was either a really short book or a comic, I always knew the benefits of reading and knew that it was basically like exercise for the brain but I never really wanted to do it. Until one day I was watching a Youtube video on the benefits of reading and I saw a lot of benefits that I didn’t even think about like improved focus and stress reduction. So I decided to gather together a bunch of interesting sounding books and buy them on Amazon. The reason why I chose to buy them instead of going to the library is because I knew that if I purchased a book, I would more likely read it since I spent my money on it. So I bought a few books and started reading for 30 minutes every day for a couple of weeks. In this time frame I read two books and here are some benefits I got while reading:
1. I didn’t need wifi.
This one is obvious but I liked how I didn’t need wifi to read I could just do it anywhere, I usually just read in the morning on in long car rides though.
2. I focused better.
The improved focus part really did work! At least for me, since you need to pay 100% attention to what you’re reading to understand it your brain becomes trained to maintain focus on other tasks. I noticed whenever I worked on something I was able to stay focused and almost couldn’t stop because I was really into whatever I was doing.
3. It’s fun!
Reading alone to me is still boring, but if you find the right book, it’s actually really enjoyable. I’m into crystals, reincarnation, productivity, meditation and self-help books, so those are the books I was on the lookout for.
4. You learn fast.
That’s one of the best things I like about reading, you know that feeling when you’re writing an essay for school and you just go online and read the first article you see and then assume you know everything about the topic, well you don’t, and that’s what books are for (sometimes.) Books have so much more info then what you find on the internet. So if you want to learn something and learn in depth, I recommend reading a book on it.
One more thing I’d like to add is I started by reading 25 pages of a book and timed it to see how fast I could read in 30 minutes. Here are the results:
Day 1: It took me 34:23.52 to read 25 pages.
Day 2: It took me 31:22.52 to read 25 pages.
Day 3: It took me 29:07.39 to read 25 pages
Day 4: It took me 48.53.31 to read 25 pages. (Read a different book lol)
Hope this gives you some motivation if you want to start reading but don’t have the time! :)
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